Friday, February 13, 2009

Arsenal FC: 7th valuable sports team

Forbes magazine recently released its list of The World's 10 Most Valuable Sports Franchises. It's mostly occupy by sports mainly popular in America plus three football clubs based in Europe. To my suprise, big teams like Barcelona, AC Milan or even Liverpool all missing...muahaha.

How Forbes come up with the value:
  • Television revenue
  • Sponsorship
  • Merchandising
  • Assets like stadium
The list is not about who has the richest owner, it's about how club earn or generate their income.

This year top ten is:

1. Manchester United (EPL) - US$1.8 billion
2. Dallas Cowboys (NFL) - US$1.6 billion
3. Washington Redskins (NFL) - US$1.5 billion
4. New England Patriots (NFL) - US$1.32 billion
5. New York Yankees (MLB) - US$1.3 billion
6. Real Madrid (La Liga) - US$1.29 billion
7. Arsenal (EPL) - US$1.2 billion
8. New York Giants (NFL) - US$1.18 billion
9. New York Jets (NFL) - US$1.17 billion
10. Houston Texans (NFL) - US$1.17 billion

Kedekut2 Wenger pun(b'coz hutang stadium)...ingat gak lah zaman recession ni...amacam Chelski and Spuds!

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