Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Where is Arshavin Part 2?

2:36 AM - Arghhh...cannot 'tahan' anymore, it's time for bed!

1:52 AM
- 'BREAKING NEWS: A Zenit spokesman has just stated that the deal is off. A statement clarifying the situation will be released in the next hour, according to Zenit.'

12:41 AM
- 'Andrei Arshavin has passed his medical at the Emirates - yet the deal is not confirmed. It remains down to Zenit and that aforementioned payment from Arshavin to his (possibly) former club.'

12:09 AM
- 'BREAKING NEWS: Latest reports from Sky Sports News indicate that Andrei Arshavin's move from Zenit St. Petersburg to Arsenal is on the absolute verge of going through.'
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