Sunday, April 19, 2009

Susan Boyle...Voice made in heaven

Piers Morgan said her stunning performance was the biggest surprise I've had in three years of this show.

Meanwhile, Amanda Holden said it's a complete privilege listening to was an instant privileged.

Simon Cowell dubbed her singing extraordinary!

Tu lah pasal Simon...jangan ko judge a book by its cover

Time aku mauk publish post tok, YouTube Susan Boyle udah hitzzz 29.36 million views!!!

Hebatkan.....tapi memang suara nya kacak, kali coz nya blum kawen and blum pernah kissing...muahaha!!!!!
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5 comments: on "Susan Boyle...Voice made in heaven"

cassie said...

nanga sik muka simon time susan first2 buka mulut..haha..

her voice is mesmerizing..
but she looks like a bit blur type la..LOL

fonsusz said...

casper: 4:03min-apa perasaan Simon time ya?

nya ada molah charity album 1999, btul padah ko suaranya mesmerizing and she deserved a standing ovation.

Ezvina said...

mun dah kawin sik kacak gik la suara nya tek..artis..JANGAN KAWIN :d

fonsusz said...

willie: click jgn x click...wahah...udah 33.27 mil views!

nana: kali juak hoh...but celine dion kawen suara still melotop.....