Monday, March 23, 2009 Ben

Handphone from Sony Ericsson

T-shirt from Nike

Slippers from Bata

Wrist watch from Seiko

Table fan from Panasonic

I should be hired by the above company because I use and wear their products. But NO...I'm not qualified and my current job mostly deals with human body. the message that Ben try to express...

After watching it, I wonder how bad economy slowdown in United States even Ben have to make this video to get attention through the internet. How about our country...private sector looks unattractive to me.
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4 comments: on " Ben"

Ezvina said...

gov sector very attractive ka? ;)

Willie a.k.a Reptoz said...

hahaha... bankrupt ler those companies.

cassie said...

glad i still have a job but then wondering till when??

fonsusz said...

nana: attractive in the eyes of the beholder, for me medical benefits n career stability lah.

willie: yalah hoh mun suma org cam ya...

casper: don't worry...ur job satu dunia masih x cukup2!