Thursday, March 26, 2009

Mother earth needs our help

I woke up to find out...ohhh...s**t that I forgot to turn off

the TV

room light


electric iron

and I charge my handphone overnight

Where will you be on Saturday, March 28 2009 at 8:30pm on planet earth?

P/S: What does flight participant do to save the earth?
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4 comments: on "Mother earth needs our help"

Willie a.k.a Reptoz said...

Yup. I'll be around at home. Just switsh off the light for an hour. But we still can play games and watch tv. No worries.

fonsusz said...

willie: too, aku mauk try surf internet makei lampu candle jak!

Ezvina said...

apa tok, buang karan na..:P

fonsusz said...

nana: hehe...lupak bah!