Friday, February 19, 2010

Ok ke tak ok?

Testing my latest gadget.....its not an easy decision for me but I always have interest in photography.

Location: Tugu Negara and Taman Tasik Perdana

So far shooting in JPEG format and editing by using MO Picture Manager.....ahakkk kawe budak baru belajar!

Tapi gambar banyak over-exposed and blur aja.....filter and tripod does help.

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8 comments: on "Ok ke tak ok?"

Anonymous said...

Paguh paguh! Itih mmg mcm pro tiak. Keep it coming!


lvynana said...

okla tu..nak pinjam ;)

fonsusz said...

timakaseh to both of you...kelak ku post agi gambar...pinjam boleh aja...ahakkkkk

lvynana said...

zack muji gambar no. 2 ko ya.

fonsusz said...

wahakkk.....letih memfokus benda tok, bait nya sik lari...adalah dlm 1 kaki gia aku snap.

cassie said...

wa..u into dslr nowdays arr..i'm also thinking into 1 but still deciding..

fonsusz said...

casper: take ur time...kelak ko snap gambar siap baring hoh...and editing photos lagi syiok.....

willie: lagik terrer bro.